Parents there will be NO 21st CCLC from 10/18-10/21 due to Parent/Teacher conferences. Parents of our 3rd-8th graders in the after school program will need to have an alternative transportation plan in place! Thank you! #experiencethepride

Lion stadium has the best views! 🖤 🧡 This gorgeous shot is from last week's JH game against Huntsville. JV play tonight! Come out and support our team! #golions #experiencethepride

🏐6th grade parents!🏐 Sign up for this month's Volleyball Cub Camp! The deadline to turn in your child's form and camp fee is next Friday. More information and the forms are at the link below. https://www.gravetteschools.net/o/gms/article/537876 #experiencethepride

🦁GMS Pride 🦁 These 8th graders were recognized at today's Pride Assembly. Congratulations! #experiencethepride
Pride Award/Student of the Month: Gavin Hanson
Roar Award: Alyssa Leonard
Lion Award: Kael Rollo
Character/Social Skills: Mery Cung

Tonight is our last home volleyball game! It's also Senior Night and wear Pink Night! Come out and support our team! We want to see a full Spirit Section! #experiencethepride

🦁GMS Pride 🦁 These 7th grade students were recognized at today's Pride Assembly. Congratulations! #experiencethepride
Pride Award/Students of the Month:
These students are giving their best, showing respect to others and displaying good character!
Jake Hill
Adrina Young
Roar Award: These students are showing exceptional academic achievement in all their classes!
Joseph Beem
Anna Walker
LION Award: These student have shown perseverance and determination! Most improved students are...
Brennan McCarthy
Montana Anderson
Montana Anderson also won this month's character award!

Math scavenger hunt at GMS! Problem solving Lions! #experiencethepride

Best chili in Gravette is at Gravette Middle School! 5 stars!!! #experiencethepride

🦁GMS Pride 🦁 These students were recognized at the 6th grade Pride Assembly. Congratulations! #experiencethepride
Nemo Award- Maggie Tinker
Nemo Award- Wyatt Fisher
Student of the Month- Eve Huckaby
Student of the Month- Essie Strecker
Academic Excellence- Julie Quintana
Academic Excellence- Issac Nichols

🦁GMS Pride 🦁 These students were recognized at the 6th grade Pride Assembly. Congratulations! #experiencethepride
Roar Award- Blane Williams
Roar Award- Brilee Gilbert
Lion Pride- Roxanna Padilla
Lion Pride- Cora Coutler

🎵 Beautiful tunes this morning 🎵 Mrs. Galloway’s ukulele class enjoyed the fantastic Fall weather! #experiencethepride

It's fall ya'll! Our library aid Michelle Newbill is busy decorating the library. She painted this book themed pumpkin! We're happy to have such talented staff! #experiencethepride

7th grade volleyball sweeps Shiloh! #Gravettewins #experiencethepride

Parents---Flu clinic forms were passed out to students today. If your student was absent they may stop by the office and get one. #experiencethepride

Blast off! 🚀 Mr. Leach's 8th grade students had fun launching their rockets today! #experiencethepride

8th grade Cowboys vs Animals! #experiencethepride

The 7th graders loved today's spirit week theme! #experiencethepride

The 6th graders were very excited about today's Cowboys vs Animal spirit day! #experiencethepride

Animal or Cowboy? The 8th grade volleyball team is showing their lion pride with these great costumes! #experiencethepride

❗ Parent's Night Out ❗ Have you ever had questions about cyber crimes and how to protect your children? Now is your time to learn!
The Benton County Cyber Crimes unit will host an informational Parent's Night Out event on Wednesday, October 6th from 6-8 p.m. Gravette School District has been invited to join with Bentonville in attending this event. Sign-ups are required and no children are allowed. You can sign-up with the link below.